Steel is galvanized according to the latest version of recognized standards for iron and steel products.
As a member of the American Galvanizer’s Association, Frontier Hot Dip Galvanizing Inc. adheres to all standards, specifications and best practices laid out by the ASTM for our galvanizing service. These specifications govern the coating thickness, adherence and finish for hot-dipped galvanized steel and iron, varying in size and shape. This process provides corrosion protection to ensure your equipment lasts. We are relied on for our superior powder coating alternatives in Buffalo, NY.
ASTM A123/A 123M–General Iron and Steel Products
The hot-dip process requirements for ASTM A123/A123M are based on coating thickness, finish, appearance and adherence for iron and steel products. These products are made from rolled, pressed or forged shapes such as castings, plates, bars or strips.The finish needs to be smooth and uniform with minimum coating to avoid issues that would interfere with the intended use of the fabrication.
CSA G 164 (Canada)–Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles.
This specification lays out the requirements for zinc coating by the hot dipping process on steel and iron products both fabricated and un-fabricated. This applies to steel forgings and iron castings that are galvanized in batches or separately including large hollow sections that are bent or welded before galvanizing as well as wire work that has been fabricated from un-coated steel wire.
AASHTO-M-111–Zinc Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
This specification applies to steel forgings and iron castings that are too large to be centrifuged to removed excess galvanizing bath metal. This excludes wire, pipe, tub or steel sheet that needs to be galvanized in continuous or specialized lines. The zinc coating also offers an extra layer of shielding, serving as corrosion protection for your equipment.
Contact us today for more information!
Our highly trained team delivers consistent, expedient, top quality rust proofing, metal coating & steel protection at an affordable value. Our craftsmanship, paired with integrity and quality of service has built our incredible reputation in Buffalo, NY. Contact us today for a corrosion protection quote. We look forward to hearing from you!
We are also able to meet other specifications, including those that are job or customer specific.
- Zinc will conform to ASTM B 6, with the use of Special High Grade or High Grade zinc.
- Any touch-up or repair of galvanized coatings will follow the guidelines established in ASTM A780.
- Surface preparation for our galvanizing service includes acid pickling, rinsing, and fluxing.